Un outsider vince la Nove Colli 2012, la prima volta di
uno straniero alla 42esima edizione della Gran fondo più famosa del continente.
Nessuno lo conosceva Bernd Hornetz, informatico, 44 anni di Karlsruhe, “amatore”
della Rsv Concordia Forchheim. Nemmeno Fabio Perazzini, il gestore dell’Albergo
Vittoria, un nome che ha portato bene al ciclista tedesco alla sua prima
apparizione a Cesenatico. E’ scattato sull’ultima salita, quella che tutti
temono dopo quasi 180km, il Gorolo. Su quelle pendenze Bernt ha fatto la
differenza lasciandosi dietro Nicoletti e Podesta. Un successo che ha lasciato
tutti a bocca aperta, anche gli amici del tre stelle riminese. “E’ arrivato
solo sabato mattina presto con i suoi amici – racconta Perazzini – ed era la
prima volta che soggiornava da me – continuava a ripetermi con il sorriso in
bocca che le sue gambe erano super e avrebbe provato a fare uno scherzetto a
tutti i favoriti della vigilia”.
Come ci racconta lui stesso contattato direttamente nel
suo ufficio IT Sector del Baden Wuttenberg, tornato alla normale vita
lavorativa di tutti i giorni”. “E’ ancora un sogno, non me lo sarei mai
immaginato di raccogliere questo successo. Solo tornando a casa nel viaggio di
ritorno in Germania cominciavo a rendermi conto della portata di questa
vittoria, anche se il mio pensiero principale andava alle vittime del
terremoto, la cui scossa abbiamo sentito proprio quando mettevamo caricavamo le
bici in macchina per spostarci da Rimini a Cesenatico”.
I nove colli da scalare non gli facevano affatto paura, si
definisce un passista scalatore e nel suo curriculum vanta ottime prestazioni
in gare sulle Alpi. “Ho deciso di fare la lunga solo a gara in corso, quando
vedevo che riuscivo a stare con i primi anche sul Barbotto, che tutti temevano
ma che ho preso con regolarità. Mi piacciono le montagne, negli ultimi due anni
ho vinto la Alpen Challenge in Svizzera e sono arrivato quinto e settimo alla
Ötztaler Radmarathon, una gara ancora più dura della Nove Colli”. Tornato a
casa è stato festeggiato dagli amici del suo club ciclistico RSV Concordia
Forchheim e dalla moglie Suzanne. A Viserba, dopo la corsa, la famiglia
Perazzini ha organizzato un buffet romagnolo e birra e fiumi per celebrare l’impresa
del loro cliente-outsider, che il prossimo anno parteciperà all’edizione 2013
con il pettorale numero uno. “Siamo stati benissimo in riviera, soprattutto
abbiamo apprezzato l’accoglienza calorosa del “Vittoria-tornerò per vincere
What’s happened sunday? crazy day?
Yes very crazy, first in the morning the earth quake we mentioned during putting our bikes into team car before breakfast. Not before evening when we returned back home on a long distance trip by car we heart of dimensions. Best wishes to affected people.
it was your first time in Nove Colli? What was your goal?
Yes first time. We hert much about it because my club RSV Concordia Forchheim enjoys country, people and especially Fabios hospitality since 20 years. So club president asked me last years to take part at NoveColli. This year time had come. I suggested to my new Erox Test Team from Switzerland and Fabio organized 5 tickets for our team.
Tell me about the race ...what’s the key of your win?
Key had been some good decisions. At the beginning two groups of 8 and 5 competitors escaped before Bertinoro. So my team made Roman Herrmann and me tried to increase speed in peleton. But nobody else. So we tried to escape. Only few kilometers and peleton returned and slow down again. Again Roman and me increased the speed. Then a single italien attacked. Didn't look so good but I decided to follow him. Nobody else followed. So I increased speed. My companion couldn't help a lot. Just before 2nd steap at km56 we reached a group of 3. My companian couldn't follow any longer. Now a group of 4 could catch the leading group at the end of this climb.
Now 14. 4 Granfondos and 10 Mediafondos. Speed slowed down again. So I went again at front to prevent return of chasing Peleton. Then attack in Barbotto of the Mediafondos. 5 escaped. To fast the long distance ahead I thougt. So I followed first with one and later with two companions until Media and Gran had been devided.
Now I heard from spectators that I was 2nd 2min behind the leader. I wouldn't go so hard to catch him soon. I choosed a good speed to keep the lack times to leader and chasers. 110km more, long way to go.
I was well informed about the gap by motor bike companion. So second to last climb I felt still strong. I decided to increase speed and during that climb I could decrease gap from 2:30 to 1:00 minute. That pushed me a lot and I speed up in descent and flat part before Gorolo. Now I could see the leader surrounded by a mass of cars and bikes.
I could close the gap just at the entry into Gorolo. Podesta seems to be very tired. I could pass him without problems and had a good rhythm and I felt still strong. That was really neccessary because Nicoletti now second and single chaser since 80 kilometers followed constant 1:30min behind me. After descent the last flat kilometers to finish had been hard to keep Nicoletti away. He also was really strong. To win that classic Race was great, I felt very euphoric.
Your competitors? do you think they were shocked about your perfomance?
Not shocked but suprised I think. Nobody knews me, because it was my 2nd Granfondo in Italy after Dolomiti Classico 2011 in Arabba where I was 6th behind very strong riders and winner Roberto Cunico.
tell me about you and your bike passion
Yes cycling is my passion. Not only competions also to enjoy nature to have fun with companions. I also ride a lot with my wife Suzanne. Sometimes we use a tandem to go for longer trips through the mountains and hills of our region Black Forest and Alsace in the near french neighbourhood.
But I started late with that passion. In the year 2000 with my first MTB when I was 32. One year later I ordered my first road bike.
what’s your best result before this?
- 2 times winner 2010/2011 of AlpenChallenge/GF in Switzerland, last year I could beat there Roberto Cunico. That was little surprise. He was in great shape in the weeks after that race.
- winner of Highlander/GF in Austria
- 5th and 7th overall at Ötztaler Radmarathon 2010 and 2011
- winner category and 2nd overall TouTransalp 2011 with partner and friend Werner Weiss from Trentino.
your life in Germany..where do you live, your life, job and family
- living in Karlsruhe in Baden-Württember in the south west of Germany close to the french boarder
- I am married since 11 years with my lovly wife Suzanne
- I studied physics in Karlsruhe, working now as system analyst in IT sector
Tell me about albergo vittoria and Fabio hopitality
- That was really great - great - great. Same would say my team mades. Incredibal hospitality. It was my first residence there and now I understand why our club stay there in holidays since 20 years as I told before.
- After our long journey and late arrive in the early Saturday 2 o'clock in the night! he welcomed us personally. He and his stuff did everything to support us, cooking delicous meals before and after training and comtetition. I'm sure I will return to him soon for a longer residence. Thank you very much Fabio. You prepared us well for the Race.
thankss danke!